30 Days of Content: Coming Up With Fresh Content Ideas


As an entrepreneur, content marketing is critical to your success. But, adding the time-consuming task of coming up with content ideas to your full plate can take time and effort.

Never fear, though! With some inspiration from us, you can develop a content strategy that will help you post fresh, engaging content on your blog, social media, or website every day. In this quick content marketing list, we’ll give you 30 content ideas to help get you started, plus some strategies for brainstorming even more content ideas of your own.


Content Inspiration Ideas

Here are 30 ideas to help you brainstorm content for your next blog post, podcast episode, or social media update:

  1. Study competitor blog and social media posts and create similarly, but expanded upon, content. Don’t copy your competition. Surpass them!


  1. Look through industry-related news stories and create content that gives your readers more information or another perspective on the story.


  1. Use Google Ads Keyword Planner to find new keywords related to your business or product, then create content around those keywords.


  1. Do people ask you any common questions about your product or service? Then, answer those questions in a blog post or podcast episode!


  1. What other products or services do people use that are complementary to yours? Write a piece comparing and contrasting the two.


  1. Have you recently made any significant changes or updates to your product or service? Let your customers know what’s new!


  1. Use data from your Google Analytics account to see which of your blog posts or articles are most popular, then write more content like that.


  1. Check out social media sites like Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn to see what people are talking about related to your industry. Then, join the conversation by writing a blog post or podcast episode on the topic!


  1. Use tools like Google Trends and BuzzSumo to see what topics are currently trending upwards. Then, create content around those topics to get in on the action.


  1. Are there any conferences or events related to your industry happening soon? Write a preview of the event, highlighting some of the most anticipated speakers or sessions.


  1. Have you or someone from your company been interviewed recently? Write a post featuring the interview and share it on your social media channels!


  1. Have you read any good books or articles lately that were related to your industry? Share your thoughts on them in a post or review.


  1. Are there any experts in your field that you admire? Reach out to them and see if they’d be interested in writing a guest post for your blog or being interviewed by you!


  1. What are some of the biggest challenges people face in your industry? Write a post offering advice on how to overcome those challenges.


  1. Is there anything new and exciting happening in your industry? Share your insights and predictions for the future.


  1. What are some of the common misconceptions people have about your industry? Write a piece setting the record straight and clarifying any misunderstandings.


  1. Have you won any awards or been featured in any publications lately? Share your successes with your readers and followers in a blog post or social media update!


  1. If launching a new product or service, write a post or shoot a video and share all the details with your audience!


  1. Have you been to any trade shows or conventions related to your industry recently? Write a recap of the event, highlighting some of the most exciting things you saw or heard.


  1. Are there any new technologies or developments in your industry that you’re excited about? Share your thoughts on the potential implications of these recent advancements.


  1. What are some of the most common problems people have with your product or service? Then, write a post or record a video offering advice on troubleshooting or working around those issues.


  1. Do you have any insider tips or advice for people in your industry? Share your knowledge in a blog post or podcast episode.


  1. Have you made any changes to your business recently? Write a post announcing the changes and explaining what they mean for your customers or clients!


  1. Are you working on any new projects or initiatives that you’re excited about? Write a post sharing the details of what you’re working on and why it’s essential.


  1. What are some of your favorite tools or resources that you use in your industry? Share your recommendations with others in your field in a video or tag them on social media.


  1. Have you had any successes or milestones you’re proud of? Write a post celebrating your accomplishments and sharing what you’ve learned along the way!


  1. Are there any challenges or obstacles you currently face in your business? Write a post seeking advice and input from others who have gone through similar experiences.


  1. What are some of the biggest trends or changes that you see happening in your industry? Write a post sharing your thoughts on the future of your field.


  1. Have you done any research or case studies related to your industry? Write a post summarizing your findings and what they mean for people in your field.


  1. What are some of your favorite tips or tricks that you’ve learned related to your industry? Share your knowledge with others in a blog post or podcast episode.


Where To Cultivate Content Ideas

If you’re ever struggling to come up with new ideas for your blog or podcast, these tips will help you get the creative juices flowing. Here are three of the best-kept secrets for topic ideation in the content marketing industry:

1. Google’s “People Also Ask” Questions

One of the best ways to come up with new ideas for content is to see what people are already searching for. And one of the best ways to do that is by using Google’s “People Also Ask” feature.

To use this tool, simply enter a seed keyword-based question into Google and scroll down to the “People Also Ask” section. There, you’ll find a list of related questions that people have searched for in the past.

This is a great way to get ideas for new blog posts, podcast topics, or even products and services. Simply take one of the questions from the “People Also Ask” section and create content that addresses that question.

Not only will this help you come up with new ideas, but it will also ensure that your content is relevant and helpful to your audience.

2. Repurpose Your Old Content

Got some old articles that need to get more traffic? Why not repurpose that content into something new?

There are several ways you can do this. For example, you could turn an old blog post into a new video or podcast episode. Or, you could take an old article and create a new infographic from it.

The possibilities are endless. And the best part is you already have the content, so you don’t have to start from scratch.

3. Using A Content Calendar

As you dive deeper into knowing your customer, the questions and topic ideas may become overwhelming. However, if you’re tracking, you’re likely taking advantage of potential content ideas or not providing your customers with the content they need.

A content calendar is a great way to keep track of your topics, deadlines, and progress so that you can hit Publish with confidence. This will also help ensure that your content is timely, relevant, and engaging for your audience.


How To Plan 30 Days Of Content In One Day

Now that you’ve prepped yourself with many content ideas, it’s time to get down to business and start batch-planning your content.

The goal here is to plan out 30 days of content in one day so that you can have a month’s worth of content ready to go. This will help you stay ahead of the game and ensure that you always have fresh, relevant content to share with your audience.

Here’s how to do it:

  1. Choose a day to batch-plan your content. This could be once a week, bi-weekly, or even monthly. Again, the key is to be consistent and stay ahead of the game.
  2. Block out some time on your chosen day to sit down and plan out your content. This could be an hour, two hours, or even a half-day, depending on how much content you want to produce.
  3. Once you have a long list of ideas from the sources above, start grouping them together into themes. For example, you might have a theme for each week of the month or a theme for each type of content you want to produce (blogs, videos, social media posts, etc.).
  4. Once you have your themes, start mapping out each piece of content. This means deciding on a title, keywords, and outline for blog posts. This means creating the image or video, copying, and linking for social media posts. For podcasts or videos, this means any scripting as well as coordinating technology or episode guests.
  5. Finally, add any deadlines or reminders for yourself to ensure each piece of content gets published on time.

By batch-planning your content, you can save time and stress in the long run. Plus, you’ll always have fresh, relevant content to share with your audience, which will help keep them engaged and coming back for more.


Contact us to learn more about how to keep your content marketing fresh or for help getting your marketing ideas off paper and into action.